How to get netherite fast

How to get netherite fast

Netherite is one of the most valuable resources in Minecraft. Netherite ingots are used to upgrade diamond gear, making it both more durable and more powerful.

Another bonus that sets Netherite gear apart is that it is fire and lava resistant, unlike all other gear. However, players still have to be wary of cactus blocks as these can destroy Netherite items.

Netherite ingots are made by combining four gold ingots with four Netherite scraps. The difficulty comes in obtaining the Netherite scraps, which can only be obtained either by smelting ancient debris or as loot found in chests that spawn in Bastion Remnants.

Ancient debris can be mined with either a diamond pickaxe or a Netherite pickaxe and is only found in the Nether. It can be found in veins of 1-4, but most commonly, players will find it as a single block.

Note: These methods reflect only the opinions of the writer, so some may not be included. The list is also in no specific order of quality.

Top 5 ways to obtain Netherite in Minecraft

#5 - Strip mining

Strip mining in the Nether

Strip mining is the most basic way of obtaining Netherite, and the best level to find it is at the coordinate Y = 12. Players should leave two blocks in between lanes and then just mine in a straight line, creating a strip.

Players must remain vigilant about the lava pockets they might run into while mining. While strip mining may feel like a somewhat boring process, it is very easy to do, highly effective, and only requires diamond pickaxes.

#4 - TNT mining

TNT mining in the Nether

Should a player have access to TNT, it can be a very effective mining tool for finding ancient debris. This is due to the low blast resistance of Netherrack and the very high blast resistance of ancient debris.

Ultimately, this means lots of Netherrack is cleared in a TNT explosion, leaving behind any precious ancient debris hidden inside.

To begin TNT mining, players must again go to Y = 12, light a piece of TNT, then step back a bit and watch it clear the area for them, leaving any hidden ancient debris exposed.

The difficulty in this method resides in the scarcity of TNT, as players will either need a large supply of gunpowder or must have obtained enough TNT from pillaging desert temples.

#3 - Bed mining

Mining with beds for Netherite

Beds can be just as good as TNT when used in the Nether. This is because when a player tries to sleep on a bed in the Nether, the bed will explode with slightly less vigor than TNT.

The method of bed mining is the same as TNT mining, which is detailed in #4. Although the explosion is slightly smaller, beds are a far more sustainable resource, as they are crafted from very cheap wool and wood planks.

#2 - Bastion Remnant loot

Bastion remnant chest looting is good for obtaining Netherite

For players looking to challenge themselves with a raid on a Bastion Remnant, theres a chance they'll find Netherite scraps inside of chests that spawn. Occasionally, if players get especially lucky, a whole Netherite ingot can even be found.

Players must be ready to take on the Piglin hordes, which can be difficult to fight. But just like real life, there's no true reward without any risk.

#1 - End crystal mining

Creating an end crystal explosion in the Nether

For those players with resources to burn, they can always place end crystals down and shoot them with a bow to clear a large area soon. This is another way of creating an explosion to expose hidden ancient debris.

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This, however, is a very expensive method of mining ancient debris as end crystals need ender eyes and ghast tears to craft. However, if players have an abundance of these items, they might as well use them.

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