Holistic healthcare degree Đầy đủ

Holistic healthcare degree Đầy đủ

Mẹo về Holistic healthcare degree 2022

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Guide to Online Naturopathy & Holistic Medicine Degrees

By Jennifer King Logan | Updated 11/17/2022 Quick FactsAccreditation:ACAOM, CNMEAverage Tuition:$29,222Alumni Salary:$35,850

Holistic medical and naturopathic physicians typically prescribe a combination of dietary and exercise changes along with natural supplements to treat disease and promote health and wellness. In fact, a growing number of hospitals and other traditional healthcare facilities are now including naturopathic physicians on their patient treatment teams, and demand for these health professionals is expected to grow by 11% in the next decade. The following is a list of the most popular schools offering trực tuyến holistic medicine degrees, designed to help prospective students select a school that best fits their needs. Continue reading to discover more about accredited programs and answers to frequently asked questions about this field.

Nội dung chính

  • Guide to Online Naturopathy & Holistic Medicine Degrees

  • Most Popular Accredited Online Schools for Holistic Medicine Degrees

  • Overview of Online Holistic Medicine Degrees

  • Online Associate Degrees in Holistic Medicine

  • Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Holistic Medicine

  • Online Master’s Degrees in Holistic Medicine

  • Online Doctoral Degrees in Holistic Medicine

  • Online Certificates in Holistic Medicine

  • The Importance of an Accredited Online Holistic Medicine Degree

  • Frequently Asked Questions About Holistic Medicine Degrees

  • Start Your Online College Search:GO ADVERTISEMENTOnlineU has over 200 partner colleges that advertise on our site. Search results include only our partner colleges, which are marked with the word “Ad.” Learn more about how we make money.

    Visitors to our site are most interested in these schoolsRankSchoolAnnual TuitionRecommend Rate # 1#1 Arizona State University$24,413 68% (104 reviews)253 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)253 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • BS in Integrative Health

    # 2#2 Saybrook University Hybrid Online$27,489 Add Review52 Programs, 4 in Holistic Medicine (view all)52 Programs, 4 in Holistic Medicine

    • M.S. Mind-Body Medicine

    • Ph.D. Mind-Body Medicine

    • Certificate in Integrative Medicine

    • Mind-Body Medicine Certificate

    # 3#3 John F. Kennedy University$8,500 Add Review25 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine (view all)25 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine

    • MA in Consciousness and Transformative Studies – Consciou…

    • Graduate Certificate in Holistic Health Coaching

    # 4#4 Everglades University$18,320 87% (126 reviews)29 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)29 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Bachelor of Science in Alternative Medicine

    # 5#5 Pacific College of Oriental Medicine$8,699 Add Review8 Programs, 6 in Holistic Medicine (view all)8 Programs, 6 in Holistic Medicine

    • Masters of Science in Health and Human Performance

    • Doctor of Acupuncture

    • Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

    • Certificate in Medical Cannabis

    # 6#6 American College of Healthcare Sciences$11,280 50% (2 reviews)29 Programs, 28 in Holistic Medicine (view all)29 Programs, 28 in Holistic Medicine

    • Master of Science in Aromatherapy

    • Master of Science in Complementary Alternative Medicine

    • Master of Science in Herbal Medicine

    • Master of Science in Holistic Nutrition

    # 7#7 Front Range Community College$15,074 100% (1 review)47 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine (view all)47 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine

    • Certificate in Aromatherapy

    • Certificate in Integrative Health Professions

    # 8#8 Barton County Community College$4,288 Add Review63 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)63 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • AS in Chiropractic

    # 9#9 Campbell University$34,630 Add Review48 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)48 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Graduate Certificate in Botanical and Holistic Health

    # 10#10 Creighton University$41,400 75% (4 reviews)91 Programs, 3 in Holistic Medicine (view all)91 Programs, 3 in Holistic Medicine

    • Bachelor of Arts in Healthy Lifestyle Management

    • Master of Science in Integrative Health and Wellness

    • Graduate Certificate in Lifestyle Medicine

    # 11#11 Georgian Court University$33,610 Add Review21 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)21 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Master of Arts in Integrative Health

    # 12#12 Maharishi International University$16,530 Add Review15 Programs, 4 in Holistic Medicine (view all)15 Programs, 4 in Holistic Medicine

    • Bachelor of Arts in Ayurveda Wellness and Integrative Health

    • Master of Arts in Consciousness and Human Potential

    • Master of Science in Aromatherapy

    • Master of Science in Maharishi Ayurveda and Integrative M…

    # 13#13 Maryland University of Integrative Health$21,855 Add Review25 Programs, 8 in Holistic Medicine (view all)25 Programs, 8 in Holistic Medicine

    • Master of Arts in Integrative Health Studies – Nutrition …

    • Master of Science in Clinical Herbal Medicine

    • Master of Science in Health Promotion

    • Master of Science in Nutrition and Integrative Health – H…

    # 14#14 Northern Vermont University$26,126 Add Review25 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)25 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Bachelor of Science in Wellness & Alternative Medicine

    # 15#15 Prescott College$32,553 100% (1 review)41 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)41 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • MS in Counseling – Clinical Mental Health Counseling: Som…

    # 16#16 South Florida State College$11,859 Add Review51 Programs, 17 in Holistic Medicine (view all)51 Programs, 17 in Holistic Medicine

    • Certificate in Complementary and Integrative Health

    • Certificate in Energy Medicine

    • Certificate in Global Healing Systems

    • Certificate in Healing Environments for Body, Mind, and S…

    # 17#17 St. Catherine University$40,984 69% (16 reviews)45 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine (view all)45 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine

    • Master of Arts in Holistic Health Studies

    • Graduate Certificate in Holistic Health Studies

    # 18#18 Stockton University$21,336 Add Review15 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)15 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Certificate in Cannabis Studies

    # 19#19 Tennessee State University$21,732 0% (1 review)55 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)55 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Master of Science in Nursing – Holistic Nursing

    # 20#20 Union Institute & University$13,256 50% (2 reviews)38 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)38 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • BA in Psychology – Holistic Psychology

    # 21#21 University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee$21,168 0% (1 review)105 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)105 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Undergraduate Certificate in the Study of Complementary &…

    # 22#22 Sofia University$14,815 Add Review9 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)9 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Doctor of Philosophy in Transpersonal Psychology – Whole …

    # 23#23 University of Connecticut$39,894 100% (1 review)56 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)56 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Graduate Certificate in Holistic Nursing

    # 24#24 Western Michigan University$16,041 Add Review38 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine (view all)38 Programs, 1 in Holistic Medicine

    • Graduate Certificate in Integrative Holistic Health and W…

    # 25#25 Wilmington University$11,480 100% (2 reviews)211 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine (view all)211 Programs, 2 in Holistic Medicine

    • Undergraduate Certificate in Holistic Palliative Care and…

    • Undergraduate Certificate in Holistic Perspective on Agin…

    Overview of Online Holistic Medicine Degrees

    Multiple levels of education are available in the field of holistic medicine. For entry-level positions within the field, aspiring professionals can seek an trực tuyến associatedegree. An associate program is made up of 60 credit hours and can be completed in two years. Graduates from this level of education can go on to work as herbalists, aroma therapists, and medical assistants. Professionals who are looking to expand their career options to health and wellness coaches, herbal practitioner, or spa chăm sóc sức mạnh thể chất và làm đẹp directorswill want to seek an trực tuyến bachelor’s degree. These programs take four years to complete and are comprised of approximately 120 credit hours of study. The next level of education that can be pursued is an trực tuyến master’s degree program. After completing this two-year degree, graduates may be prepared to work as life coaches, scholars, and educators. Finally, students interested in becoming naturopathic doctors must pursue doctoral degrees. A doctoral degree can take anywhere between five to seven years to complete and includes a dissertation and externship.

    Online Associate Degrees in Holistic Medicine

    Students can graduate with an trực tuyến associate degree in holistic medicine in two years by completing 60 credit hours of coursework. There are often specializations offered this degree level, such as aromatherapy, herbal medicine, and holistic spa chăm sóc sức mạnh thể chất và làm đẹp management. An trực tuyến associate degree in holistic medicine is designed to equip students to not only improve physical well-being in their patient’s lives but also their mental and spiritual well-being through natural treatments. Students can expect to take classes in aromatherapy I & II, aromatherapy chemistry, herbal material medical, herbal studies, holistic nutrition, anatomy and physiology, aromatherapy for spa chăm sóc sức mạnh thể chất và làm đẹp managers, comprehensive introduction to spa chăm sóc sức mạnh thể chất và làm đẹp management, retail management for spas, supervision in the hospitality industry, and financial management for spas. Applicants must hold a high school diploma or equivalency in order to be eligible for a holistic medicine program. Graduates go on to enter the industry holding a variety of different job titles, such as clinical herbalist, perfumer, clinical aroma therapist, medical assistant, and esthetician. Online associate level programs in holistic medicine can be found colleges, universities, and vocational schools.

    Online Bachelor’s Degrees in Holistic Medicine

    Online bachelor’s programs in holistic medicine can be earned universities and colleges that primarily focus on medicine. These programs generally take students four years to complete, with total credit hour requirements ranging from 120 to 123. Coursework is comprised of classes like naturopathy, principles of acupuncture, body toàn thân awareness and physical movement, detoxification and healing, antioxidants, and alternative approaches to disease. Students who plan to go on to a graduate program to become a naturopathic doctor will also want to make sure they take the appropriate prerequisite science classes during their undergraduate study.Participating in a bachelor’s level program may help already working professionals expand their career options or even educatethem onnew treatmentsthat can be added to their current practice. Many graduates go on to work as health and wellness coaches, holistic nutritionists, massage therapists, and spa chăm sóc sức mạnh thể chất và làm đẹp directors. First time freshmen will need to have their completed high school diploma or their GED. Students who are continuing from an associate degree program will need to provide all college transcripts from any post secondary schools attended previously.

    Online Master’s Degrees in Holistic Medicine

    Professionals in holistic medicine will often find that seeking an trực tuyến master’s degree will prepare them for leadership roles in the field. Master’s degree programs in holistic medicine are comprised of 36 credit hours and take approximately two years to complete. Graduate curriculums are designed to provide students with in-depth and advanced knowledge that reflects current theories and practices within the industry. Classes may include aromatherapy science, botany and plant identification for the holistic practitioner, homeopathy, advanced applied holistic nutrition, nutrition and dietary supplements, anatomy and physiology I & II, and a capstone project. Upon graduation, professionals may go on to work as scholars, life coaches, life consultants, and educators. Applicants who are interested in participating in a graduate program must posses a bachelor’s degree from an accredited program recognized by the US Department of Education and must provide their transcripts. Many programs will also ask their applicants to provide professional letters of recommendation outlining their professional accomplishments and attributes.

    Online Doctoral Degrees in Holistic Medicine

    Aspiring naturopathic doctors will need to earn their doctoral degree before entering into practice. Students enrolled in an trực tuyến doctoral program will learn to combine natural resources with the resources of modern science to provide patients with holistic diagnosis and treatment. Graduates will also be prepared to work in a number of settings, such as hospitals, clinics, community health centers, and private practice. Key courses include clinical biochemistry, basic sciences, functional medicine, detoxification and nature cure, naturopathic women’s health, naturopathic pediatrics, elemental chemistry, color therapy, and aromatherapy. Students will also be required to participate in a clinical externship before graduating. The typical trực tuyến doctoral degree program will take participants five to seven years to complete and is available through universities. To be admitted, students must hold a bachelor’s or master’s degree is holistic medicine or similar field. Prerequisite courses include biology and general chemistry. Some programs may require previous work experience; in these cases a professional resume will also be required.

    Online Certificates in Holistic Medicine

    Undergraduates who wish to continue their studies in holistic medicine but do not wish to participate in a traditional degree program may want to consider obtaining a graduate certificate in its place. Most certificate programs can be completed in under a year and consist of 15 to 20 credit hours. Students will participate in classes like complimentary and alternative medicine, aromatherapy science, homeopathy, and advanced applied holistic nutrition. Applicants must have a bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution to qualify for a graduate certificate program. Graduates may go on to work as massage therapists, holistic life coaches, aroma therapists, and spa chăm sóc sức mạnh thể chất và làm đẹp directors.

    The Importance of an Accredited Online Holistic Medicine Degree

    Regional accreditation is an important factor in post-secondary education. Regional accreditation is the process in which institutions and programs are reviewed by organizations who assess the overall quality of education being put forth. Federal financial aid is only available to accredited programs, sostudents who are in need of this kind of assistance will need to enroll in a program that is accredited. Many employers will not recognize degrees unless they have been received through an accredited school. Professional resumes that include an accredited education will give employers confidence in the candidate’s knowledge and skills. Accreditation will also make the transfer process alot easier for students who are looking to transfer their credits to other schools.

    The Council on Naturopathic Medical Education (CNME)is an important accrediting body toàn thân for naturopathic medicalprograms. Their mission is to provide quality assurance for students as well as patients who will be diagnosed and treated by future practicing professionals. This accrediting body toàn thân is also important because only graduates who have received educationthrough a program accredited by CNME will be eligible to sit for a professional board exam.

    Frequently Asked Questions About Holistic Medicine Degrees

    What is the job outlook for naturopathic physicians?

    The current average salary for naturopathic physicians one potential career path for graduates of holistic medicine programs is $82,420 per year, but demand for professionals is expected to grow by only 1-5% over the next decade. Holistic medicine professionals often operate their own private practices, but they may also find job opportunities more traditional healthcare facilities.

    What skills do I need to become a successful naturopathic physician?

    Naturopathic physicians require a broad range of skills and abilities. To effectively examine and diagnose patients, they should be able to listen attentively. They should also ask questions, take detailed notes, and use both deductive and inductive reasoning. They then need to combine their critical thinking skills with their knowledge of anatomy, medicine, and psychology to determine the best course of treatment. Finally, naturopaths must be able to communicate their findings and treatment plans sensitively, yet persuasively.

    Can I specialize in a specific aspect of holistic medicine?

    Yes. After completing their formal education in holistic medicine, many naturopaths go on to specialize in specific diseases. Others focus on a particular subset of patients, such as children or expectant mothers. Some areas of specialization include oncology, endocrinology, gastroenterology, and psychiatry.

    Are there any professional organizations for holistic medical health practitioners that I can join?

    Naturopaths and holistic medical health practitioners have many general and specific professional organizations they can join. These organizations provide additional career development resources and networking opportunities. Some of these organizations include:

    • American Association of Naturopathic Physicians: Founded in 1985, the AANP is the predominant national professional society for licensed naturopathic doctors, naturopathic medicine students, and other healthcare professionals allied with the naturopathic profession.

    • Homeopathic Academy of Naturopathic Physicians: The mission of HANP is to set professional standards and promote the use of homeopathic medicines among naturopaths.

    • Naturopathic Medicine Institute: The Naturopathic Medicine Institute is dedicated to educating the public and medical practitioners about the principles and practice of naturopathic medicine.

    This website offers school details to prospective students as an informational resource. The appearance of a school listing on this website should not be interpreted as an endorsement of the school by this site.




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