What key components should be included in your companys employee monitoring program to best meet the needs of both employees and the company? Mới nhất

What key components should be included in your companys employee monitoring program to best meet the needs of both employees and the company? Mới nhất

Mẹo Hướng dẫn What key components should be included in your companys employee monitoring program to best meet the needs of both employees and the company? Chi Tiết

Pro đang tìm kiếm từ khóa What key components should be included in your companys employee monitoring program to best meet the needs of both employees and the company? được Update vào lúc : 2022-10-01 13:20:24 . Với phương châm chia sẻ Mẹo Hướng dẫn trong nội dung bài viết một cách Chi Tiết 2022. Nếu sau khi đọc Post vẫn ko hiểu thì hoàn toàn có thể lại Comment ở cuối bài để Ad lý giải và hướng dẫn lại nha.

Nội dung chính

  • 1. Choose your metrics carefully by involving all relevant stakeholders.

  • 2. Be transparent with your employees about what you’re monitoring and why. 

  • 3. Offer carrots as well as sticks.

  • 4. Accept that very good workers will not always be able to do very good work all the time — especially under present circumstances.

  • 5. Monitor your own systems to ensure that people of color and other vulnerable groups are not disproportionately affected.

  • 6. Decrease monitoring when and where you can.

  • What are three 3 ways you can monitor a staff thành viên’s work performance?

  • What are the best ways to monitor employee performance?

  • How do companies monitor their employees?

  • What are three examples of information technology tools that can be used for employee monitoring?

As work from home has become the new normal, many employers have started to worry about just how much work their employees are doing. Some companies have asked themselves: Is it worth monitoring our workers? For most, the answer is probably not — monitoring can erode trust, harm job satisfaction, and increase stress in an already fraught moment. For companies that decide that it’s worth the trade-offs, the author recommends the following steps: 1) Choose your metrics carefully by

involving all relevant stakeholders; 2) Be transparent with your employees about what you’re monitoring and why; 3) Offer carrots as well as sticks; 4) Accept that very good workers will not always be able to do very good work all the time — especially under present circumstances; 5) Monitor your own systems to ensure that people of color and other vulnerable groups are not disproportionately affected; and 6) Decrease monitoring when and where you can.

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Even before Covid-19 sent an unprecedented number of people to work from home, employers

were ramping up their efforts to monitor employee productivity. A 2022 Gartner report revealed that of 239 large corporations, 50% were monitoring the content of employee emails and social truyền thông accounts, along with who they met with and how they utilized their workspaces. A year later

an Accenture survey of C-suite executives reported that 62% of their organizations were leveraging new tools to collect data on their employees.

These statistics were gathered before the coronavirus pandemic, which has made working from home a necessity for thousands of companies. With that

transition having happened so rapidly, employers are left wondering how much work is actually going on. The fear of productivity losses, mingling with the horror of massively declining revenues, has encouraged many leaders to ramp up their employee monitoring efforts.

Further Reading

  • What key components should be included in your companys employee monitoring program to best meet the needs of both employees and the company?

There is no shortage of digital

tools for employee monitoring — or, as privacy advocates put it, “corporate surveillance.” Multiple services enable stealth monitoring, live video feeds, keyboard tracking, optical character recognition, keystroke recording, or location tracking. One such company, Hubstaff, implements random screen capture that can be customized for each person and set to report “once, twice, or three times per 10 minutes,” if

managers so wish. Another company, Teramind, captures all keyboard activity and records “all information to comprehensive logs [that] can be used to formulate a base of user-based behavior analytics.”

Despite the easy availability of options, however, monitoring comes with real risk to the companies that pursue it. Surveillance threatens to erode trust between employers and employees. Accenture found

that 52% of employees believe that mishandling of data damages trust — and only 30% of the C-suite executives who were polled reported themselves as “confident” that the data would always be used responsibly. Employees who are now subject to new levels of surveillance report being both “incredibly stressed out” by the constant monitoring and also afraid to speak up, a recipe for not

only dissatisfaction but also burnout, both of which — ironically — decrease productivity. Worse, monitoring can invite a backlash: In October of 2022 Google employees went public about spy tools allegedly created to suppress internal dissent.

Tempting as it may be to implement monitoring in the service of protecting productivity, it also stands in stark contrast to recent trends in the corporate world. Many organizations have committed to fostering a better employee experience, with a

particular focus on diversity and inclusion. There are not only strong ethical reasons for having one’s eye on that ball, but good bottom line reasons as well. The Deloitte Global Millennial Survey from 2022 found that 55% of millennials plan to leave employers that prioritize profits over people. Retention — which should be a priority for all

companies, given the high expense of making and onboarding new hires — becomes difficult and costly for companies that don’t reflect those values. Given the risk of alienating employees coupled with the possibility of error and misapplication of these tools, it is quite likely that, for many, the juice just isn’t worth the squeeze.

Even so, some companies will still find it worth the tradeoffs. Justified fear of a collapsing economy reasonably drives employers to monitor their employees to

ensure they are being productive and efficient. Indeed, they may even have ethically admirable aims in doing so, such as for the sake of their employees’ health and the health of the country as a whole. Furthermore, if the tools are deployed with the goal of discovering which employees are in need of additional help — more on this below — that may be all the more reason to monitor. But if your business concludes that it ought to monitor employees (for whatever reason), it is important to do so

in a way that maximally respects its employees.

Here are six recommendations on how to walk this tightrope.

1. Choose your metrics carefully by involving all relevant stakeholders.

Applying numbers to things is easy, as is making quick judgments based on numeric scores spit out by a piece of software. This leads to both unnecessary surveillance and ill-formed decisions. It’s simply too easy to react to information that, in practice, is irrelevant to productivity, efficiency,

and revenue. If you insist on monitoring employees, make sure what you’re tracking is relevant and necessary. Simply monitoring the quantity of emails written or read, for instance, is not a reliable indicator of productivity.

If you want the right metrics, then engage all of the relevant stakeholders in the process to determine those metrics, from hiring managers to supervisors to those who are actually being monitored. With regards to employee engagement it is especially important to

reach both experienced and new employees, and that they are able to deliver their input in a setting where there is no fear of reprisal. For instance, they can be in discussion with a supervisor — but preferably not their direct supervisor, who has the authority to fire or promote them.

2. Be transparent with your employees about what you’re monitoring and why. 

Part and parcel of respecting someone is that you take the time to openly and honestly communicate

with them. Tell your employees what you’re monitoring and why. Give them the opportunity to offer feedback. Share the results of the monitoring with them and, crucially, provide a system by which they can appeal decisions about their career influenced by the data collected.

Transparency increases employee acceptance rates. Gartner found that only 30% of employees were comfortable with their employer monitoring their email. But in the same study, when an employer shared that they would

be monitoring and explained why, more than 50% of workers reported being comfortable with it.

3. Offer carrots as well as sticks.

Monitoring or surveillance software is implicitly tied to overseers who are bent on compliance and submission. Oppressive governments, for example, tie surveillance with threats of fines and imprisonment. But you don’t need to pursue monitoring as a method of oppression. You would do better to think about it as a tool by which you can

figure out how to help your employees be more productive or reward them for their hustle. That means thinking about what kinds of carrots can be used to motivate and boost relevant numbers, not just sticks to discourage inefficiencies.

4. Accept that very good workers will not always be able to do very good work all the time — especially under present circumstances.

These are unique times and it would be wrong — both ethically and factually — to make decisions

about who is and who is not a good employee or a hard worker based on performance under these conditions. Some very hard-working and talented employees may be stretched extraordinarily thin due to a lack of school and child care options, for instance. These are people you want to keep because, in the long run, they provide a tremendous amount of value. Ensure that your supervisors take the time to talk to their supervisees when the numbers aren’t what you want them to be. And again, that

conversation should reflect an understanding of the employee’s situation and focus on creative solutions, not threats.

5. Monitor your own systems to ensure that people of color and other vulnerable groups are not disproportionately affected.

Central to any company’s diversity and inclusion effort is a commitment to eliminating any discrimination against traditionally marginalized populations. Precisely because they have been marginalized, those populations tend to

occupy more junior roles in an organization — and junior roles often suffer the most scrutiny. This means that there is a risk of disproportionately surveilling the very groups a company’s inclusivity efforts are designed to protect, which invites significant ethical, reputational, and legal risks.

If employee monitoring is being used, it is important that the most junior people are not surveilled to a greater extent than their managers, or least not to an extent that places special

burdens on them. For instance, it would be particularly troublesome if very junior employees received a level of surveillance — say, sentiment analysis or keyboard logging — that only slightly more senior people did not. A policy that says, “This is how we monitor all employees” raises fewer ethical red flags than a policy that says, “This is how we monitor most employees, except for the most junior ones, who undergo a great giảm giá more surveillance.” Equal application of the law, in other words,

legitimately blunts the force of charges of discrimination.

6. Decrease monitoring when and where you can.

The impulse to monitor is understandable, especially in these times. But as people return to their offices — and even as some continue to work from home — look for places to pull back monitoring efforts where things are going well. This communicates trust to employees. It also corrects for the tendency to acquire more control than necessary when circumstances

are not as severe as they once were.

At the end of the day, your employees are your most valuable assets. They possess institutional knowledge and skills others do not. You’ve invested time and money in them and they are very expensive to replace. Treating them with respect is not only something they deserve — it’s crucial for a company’s retention efforts. If your company does choose to move ahead with surveillance software in this climate, you need to remind yourself that you are not the

police. You should be monitoring employees not with a raised baton, but with an outstretched hand.

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What are three 3 ways you can monitor a staff thành viên’s work performance?

7 Ways to Monitor Your Staff Performance and Increase Motivation. Use a Monitoring Software.. Check-in Regularly.. Set Targets.. Implement Self-Monitoring Tools.. Ask Around a Little.. Analyse and Reward.. Involve Them..

What are the best ways to monitor employee performance?

There are five ways to monitor the actions of employees, even if you’re not working in the same location.. Watch employees work. … . Ask for an account. … . Help employees use self-monitoring tools. … . Review work in progress on a regular basis. … . Ask around a little. … . Management Tools..

How do companies monitor their employees?

Companies such as Teramind, ActivTrak, Hubstaff, and Workpuls have developed tools that log keystrokes or capture randomized screenshots of whatever workers are looking . Reports are compiled that distill—albeit incompletely—what exactly a worker did with their day.

What are three examples of information technology tools that can be used for employee monitoring?

This includes tracking an employee’s computer activity, email and network usage, time spent on tasks, location, and more. You can use tools like employee monitoring software, CCTV cameras, GPS systems, and biometric technology to keep track of employee activity.

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Employee surveillance

Employee monitoring

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